eyebright update

I have been putting drops of eyebright tea into my eyes for 3 days now, plus drinking a bit of the tea, and I wore my contact lenses for the first time today. When I first put them in this morning I felt a bit sick, like the lenses were too strong for my eyes! I have heard that eyebright can improve your vision, but in 3 days?? I seemed to get used to it after a while, and my contact lenses did not hurt at all, and have felt fine all day!

Posted byKarma at Sunday, February 19, 2006 2 comments  

blintz heaven

Sometimes you just cook such an amazing dish that you have to brag about it. Well, there is a new organic bio live yogurt flavour - coconut, and it is greek style too, so really thick and creamy (but not full of sugar like fruit yogurts!) and I don't digest cheese and ice cream well but live yogurt is fine, so.... this morning I made blintzes. They were my favourite sweet breakfast as a child and my health conscious, moderately sweet-toothed adult palate loved my grown-up version:

  • make a dozen or so french crepes (using 200g flour, 2 eggs, rice milk, 100g melted butter and a bit of sugar)
  • fill the hot crepe with a generous dollop of coconut yogurt, st dalfour blueberry preserves (no sugar and NO evil aspartame/sugar substitute), sliced blackberries and/or sliced bananas)
  • roll/fold into your preferred shape and enjoy!

Posted byKarma at Sunday, February 19, 2006 0 comments  


My eyes have really been hurting lately. I know that I wear my contact lenses too much but they don't usually irritate this much. After about a week of real discomfort in the afternoons, it dawned on me that I could of course treat my eyes with eyebright (euphrasia) herb, as I sell it nearly every other day in the shop!

I made some weak tea with dried eyebright herb and washed my eyes with it. They felt much better straight away, and I plan to use it for a few days (and try to wear my glasses) and let you know how it goes. The dried herb looks like little black sticks, nothing like the pretty flowers in the picture! Here is some blurb on what eyebright does:

Eyebright tightens the mucous membranes of the eye and appears to relieve the inflammation of conjunctivitis and blepharitis. Its ability to counter catarrh means that it is often used for infectious and allergic conditions affecting the eyes, middle ear, sinuses and nasal passages.

The whole plant is anti-inflammatory, astringent, digestive, ophthalmic and slightly tonic. It is taken internally in the treatment of catarrh, sinusitis, hay fever, upper respiratory tract infections etc. As an ophthalmic, an infusion of the plant can be taken internally or used as an eye wash.

Posted byKarma at Wednesday, February 15, 2006 0 comments  

plant friends

Went to Kew Gardens today with my Natural Medicine Course. It was great. I've been there two or three times and usually wander around aimlessly smelling and enjoying the colours of plants but today I really felt more connected. It is winter, so we looked at the pine and cedar trees (I have always loved pine and cedar trees), and then our guide pointed out a witch hazel tree - who would have known that witch hazel has beautiful bright yellow flowers! It was lovely to make a connection between a live tree and a product that I sell in my shop (witch haze is a skin toner, also you can put some on cotton wool and it is very cooling and soothing, try placing it over tired eyes!). I have never had an interest before in growing anything aside from a house plant but the idea of growing herbs in the garden really is starting to appeal to me. I am going to start with chamomile very soon, as I have chosen it is my plant study for this course. I absolutely love chamomile - it has such a cheeky, happy spirit!

Posted byKarma at Friday, February 10, 2006 1 comments