post holiday blah

It is so hard to come back to reality. I am currently rewarding myself for all my completed tasks with fresh brewed ginger ice tea and organic lemon biscuits.


  1. Read and replied to post. Takes up to 6 months.
  2. Rearranged furniture and cleaned room (my usual coping mechanism, completed before task #1)
  3. Opened, filed and organised post
  4. Did 2 loads of laundry
Became Frustrated with:
Nero 7 trial. Downloaded it in hopes of being able to make CDs. A simple task, I would think, but I am stuck. All I want to do is save a bunch of my CDs to my hard drive, with the names of the individual songs listed, so I can later go to 'my music', pick songs and make compilation CDs. Tried using Windows media player and Nero and got totally confused, felt like a computer idiot.

Recovered a bit with:
Updating and adding a bunch of my favourite pages to my blog. It really was only simple cut and paste into the HTML, but it made me feel better!

Looking forward to:
Dancing tonight at Thames Rowing Club!

Posted byKarma at Thursday, June 14, 2007 1 comments  


A gourmet day:

Listening to the passion and enthusiasm of the owner of Chateau Joliet as he described the alchemy of wine making - did you know they use fire and water to shape the wine barrels?

Discovering a grape variety I had never heard of - Negrette - dark ruby, floral, smooth.

A visit to the midaevil village Cordes Sur Ciel.

A superb dinner on the terrace of Bistrot Tonin'ty, under a 300 year-old wisteria.

Roasted rack of lamb with lavender, thyme, garlic, courgette and carrot flan.

Rognon de veau flambé au Cognac sauce moutarde à l'ancienne, garniture printanière.

Tarte fine aux pommes, compotée de rhubarbe et glace cannelle.

Mi-cuit au chocolat et glace pain d'épices.

The cinnamon and gingerbread ice creams were so incredible we asked for a second helping.

French coffee, noir, a perfectly smooth taste of bitter.

An evening stroll through the cobbled streets.

the quiet peace, the heat and the sensuality of the evening.

Posted byKarma at Monday, June 11, 2007 0 comments  

je suis pompette

Right. Was out with a sweet friend Lin, at a lovely wine bar. Only three glasses (plus a few sips of tasting)... what a light weight, no?

Super evening, talking, catching up... reminiscing about the lovely weekend in Montpellier and so looking forward to Toulouse next week. Funny, never thought I'd be a Francophile, but then je suis arrive et instantement une 'fan'... (that is probably all not real French, no matter). I just loved the people, the way they thought about things, their courtesy (greet and kiss everyone in a group when you arrive), the food (aperitif, entree, course, vin, cafe), the history, the atmosphere... Why has so much architecture and art and history in France survived the war? Did they see that playing the game, eg, accepting the situation, however atrocious, served a longer term goal of preserving art, culture, buildings, history?

Just a tipsy question...

Posted byKarma at Saturday, June 02, 2007 1 comments