
this is how I feel today. I got it from mycathatesyou.

Posted byKarma at Tuesday, November 28, 2006 0 comments  

blah blah

Alcohol is evil. For me, that is... Wish I could just get lightly pissed (or even totally drunk) like normal people and enjoy it. But no, I get all stressed out and feel ill and hate everyone and am all criticalness.

Mind, I started the day in a shitty mood. I blame the potatoes. They are evil too (not as evil as alcohol, but nearly). Had a bunch of potatoes with dinner Tuesday eve and then had a million dreams Tuesday eve and woke up feeling like I'd been run over several times by a huge sofa. Work was a bit of a blur, those days where you feel like you have a million things to do, so you go and get coffee from the supermarket and rice milk from the health food store and by the time you've made it and drunk it, it's lunchtime, and hardly anything's gotten done.

I had an appointment after work with a 'laser-cosmetic surgery nurse' at some posh spa in Elmer's End to ask about having my legs done (preferably bikini line down). Yah, its for vanity, but also because if I don't shave (my calves, I hardly bother with my thighs) with a new razor or do it too quickly the hairs ingrow and itch like hell a couple of days later. Well, at 6min treatments for £500 a pop, its out of my league. At some point I will probably be able to afford it, but by that time I will probably be too old to care. Wish sometimes I'd gone for the money option over the love option.

But that's probably the evil, critical wine and dark chocolate dessert hangover talking. Best to get off to sleep before I do too much mental damage.

Posted byKarma at Thursday, November 16, 2006 0 comments  


I recently watched My Neighbour Totoro again. I just love the concept of the catbus. Did you know that in Japan, if cats are old and wizened, they are thought to possess magical, shape-shifting powers. So this cat decided to become a bus! Wouldn't this be a great way to encourage using public transport?!

Posted byKarma at Thursday, November 02, 2006 0 comments