The Tower

Listen to the cards Karma. Oh I WISH I'd gone to the Ardantane workshop on Valentine's day! I feel I am forcing relationships and old patterns that I should be past now, and my body is fed up and it is shutting me down. On Monday after a particularly stressful evening with a person I have been dating on and off, I tripped going down the steps and hurt my ankle. So no dancing now - that sweet escape has begun to foster clouds of illusion anyway, this seems yet another message. Last night I got food poisioning - and today I really feel the need to go to my women's group (which I have missed for two weeks just because of 'funner' plans), to be there and feel supported but I feel so unwell I can't seem to get out of bed - just making a cup of tea is tiring.
Last Saturday at Pan workshop I drew the Death Card - it frightened me but I also had a feeling that things are needing to die in me so that I can move forward. I didn't account for this being quite so painful, but I did commit to facing it, whatever the consequences. Courage Please!

Posted byKarma at Sunday, February 24, 2008 1 comments