spring clean

I have started an anti-candidia diet based on Erica White's Beat Candidia book. It means cutting out all yeast and sugar, including fructose, so no fruit (except lemons), lactose (except live yogurt, cottage cheese and butter),no bread made with yeast (obviously), no white rice or pasta, no prepackaged soy products like sausages/burgers (basically nothing prepackaged), no vinegar, packaged dressings or condiments, but I can eat tofu and organic chicken, fish, ryvita, brown rice, quinoa, any vegetable, etc...

It takes months but it really works and really helps anything from chronic fatigue to fibroids (my friend Deb) and ibs and obviously chronic candidia/bladder problems (which is what I have had). According to Erica candidia is epidemic in western society (which makes sense thinking of the typical western diet combined with steroidal drugs like ibuprofen and the pill and long term antibiotic use).

I will stick to it until our New York trip in June.

I actually dont have to cut out much of what I normally eat, just the odd glass of wine and occasional desserts. One challenge is probably cutting fruit out of my breakfast! When I first tried it a month or so I cut out bread and I don't really miss that too much.

The biggest challenge is eating in restaurants. We have a friend's birthday party on Saturday, and I am wondering if I can get away with the couscous, do they put vinegar or some sort of sauce on it?? I had prawns on tuesday and I could feel the vinegar the next day (I am that sensitive now, which is both cool and sometimes frustrating...).

It is helpful that my colleague at work is on it now and has done it before so can advise me on supplements, and we can think of interesting alternatives to salad!

Posted byKarma at Wednesday, April 06, 2005  


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